Our online booking system connects to the vet surgery database. If you create an account using the email address you have given us, your pets will automatically come through onto your account. Don’t worry if you have forgotten which email address you have used. We can always fix it later. You may have to manually fill in your pets details on the initial attempt if it is the wrong email address.
Alternatively if you DO NOT wish to create an account that links to your pet’s files, you may just. create an appointment using the guest log in.
Step by step instructions on creating an account.
You will either need to create an account or log in as a guest.
Please use the same email that you have provided us at the clinic. This will allow us to link your account.
If your pets do not automatically appear, please let us know as we may have your incorrect email address on file. The orange bell in the top right corner will notify you of any reminders you have due.